Semper Liberi

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

We're Back...

Its been an interesting, stimulating, and ... eventful summer, but for better and for worse we're back to school here at the good old College of Law. One of the "better" implications of that formulation, hopefully, is the resurrection of this blog.

Right now, Semper Liberi has both a lot to cover and not much to cover. There are still a lot of cases from last year's SCOTUS term that this blog hasn't covered yet and which certainly deserve coverage (Hamdan not least among them, of course).  And, as always, there's tons of great scholarly material and commentary floating around out there that merits attention here.  However, until the first Monday in October rolls around there will probably be fairly few legal events that will require immediate discussion, at least for the purposes of this blog.  That should allow some time for the commentators  (read mostly, but hopefully not exclusively, me) to catch up somewhat.

The bottom line regarding the blog, I suppose, is that we'll see how it goes as it goes. Thanks for your patience and readership.



I also have to extend a special thanks to all those who wished me well during the "unpleasantness" of the spring / first half of summer.  Fortunately,  I have good reason to think that those matters are now permanently in the past .  Getting back to the practice and (now) the study of law has been the  -aside from the above mentioned expressions of concern-  the best medicine.

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